earth science technology and policy services limited

Towards Environmental Sustainability

Our Objectives

To carry on the business of conducting scientific and technological activities including strategic policy framework on physical/chemical/biological aspects of atmosphere, weather, hydrology, oceanography, environment, climate and infrastructures development for peaceful applications in connection with social contexts.

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To pursue innovative activities, promote sustainable development and economic growth by introducing best practice and optimum solutions.

To investigate climate change impacts on water resources, agriculture, ecology, health, infrastructures and other relevant sectors and identify adaptation pathways and mitigation options.

To involve in research and development (R&D), operation and maintenance on observations, mitigation of disasters, and development of early warning & disaster management systems.

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To develop long range weather prediction models, provide climate change adaption pathway services to GOs, NGOs, and relevant stakeholders (clients).

To conduct research on the hydrological systems, water balance, water regimes, water cycles, surface and ground water mapping and quantification, coastal salinity, land-use mapping and resources monitoring and exploitation, and provide advisories regarding management of respective cultures and sciences based on the weather prediction and disaster warning.

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