earth science technology and policy services limited

Towards Environmental Sustainability

Weather Observation

ESTEPS is going to conduct training and academic courses and establish the center of excellence for R&D along with basic and higher education under an institutional arrangement to develop capacity of human resources for adapting the future challenges of socio-economic transformation. ESTEPS will provide warning services to the Government Organizations (GO), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), academia, scientists, decision making authorities, insurance companies, river and marine navigators, aviators, power and energy sector, coal mining, oil and gas exploiters, sea ports, all kind of related industries and water related disaster management centers, authorities and other users for peaceful applications. To conduct and manage seminar, conferences, workshop and training courses for enhancing skills and expertise of the young generation. ESTEPS will conduct baseline surveys concerning economic, social, infrastructural, health, agricultural, forestry, fisheries and educational development.

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