earth science technology and policy services limited

Towards Environmental Sustainability

Our Focus

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ESTEPS focuses to procure, develop, and install the weather technology and related systems for earth-ocean-atmospheric observation and promote Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for communicating information to the stakeholders of various application areas.

ESTEPS will produce and promote innovative renewable energy technology along with all possible measures for reducing emission in different sectors of GHG emissions.

ESTEPS will develop software for analyzing and monitoring Earth’s Environment and parameters related to weather and climate for improving the economic and social activities, introduce climate and disaster insurance for raising quality of life of the people.

ESTEPS will aware different sectors of people including end-users on climate change, its impact, adaptation and mitigation program through training, evaluation and monitoring.

ESTEPS will undertake disaster mitigation program and promote awareness campaigns among the vulnerable people.

ESTEPS will undertake agro-hydro-climatological program to enhance crop production, optimum and alternative use of water resources in the backdrop of climate change and population increase.

ESTEPS will work on policy related to aforesaid fields and conduct climate and weather impact assessment of different development projects and prepare action plans for highly effective adaptation and mitigation.

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